Don't let another year tick by...Embrace the 🐉 power

The link between core values and a fulfilled life

Dear Busy Woman,

In the whirlwind of life's demands, should-dos, busyness…it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters to YOU.

p a u s e. b r e a t h e. r e f l e c t.

What drives your daily actions? Are they aligned with your core values and deepest desires?

Imagine a life where…

  • Every decision is guided by what you value most.

  • You feel deeply fulfilled, living authentically and freely.

  • You are imbued with a sense of aliveness, wholeness, lightness, beauty, inner peace ✨.

Values are our compass for a meaningful life.

Let’s explore together 👇.

Grab a pen & paper.

#1: Reflect

  • 🏔️ Think back to moments when you felt truly fulfilled. Who were you with? What were you doing? What made this peak moment so significant?

  • 😫 Consider challenging, painful times. What hidden gifts did these experiences bring? (Note: Seek professional guidance if this feels overwhelming.)

Do these in ~5-year periods. Start from most recent until you get to your earliest memory. (yes, that’s the image that just popped into your mind. We can leave our over-analysing minds to a side for now 😘).

#2: Identify Your Values

Look for patterns in your reflections. What words are consistently present? What themes emerge? These are the signposts to your core values.

#3: Visualise Alignment

Circle the top 1-3 words that resonate deeply with you. With this in mind, envision a perfect day lived according to these values. What does it look and feel like?

🌪️ Misalignment with your values can lead to a sense of disconnection or unease - like something’s missing, a stuck feeling, or perhaps, that knot in your stomach.

Ever felt that? Know that you are not alone. It is a beautiful sign and opportunity to move more into alignment, when you choose to.

What is one small step you can take today toward a life that resonates with your core values?


P.S. Feeling stuck or unsure about your next step? Let's clear the fog together. Book a free discovery call with our founder, Jaslyn and start shaping your life with intention.

🔥 Full client roster for Feb. March slots are filling fast – your path to alignment and peace starts here.

I remember when she called me out for not allowing myself to dream without barriers. That was the first time that I felt truly seen and realised how much I was holding myself back.”

“After consistently going for sessions with Jas over the past nine months, I have not only felt a tremendous change in the outlook of my life, but how I viewed myself has shifted for the better as well. I would describe Jas as my best enabler.”

“Ability to distil anecdotes into themes which are able to offer clarity in paving the way forward.”