You are responsible for your own feelings 💪

Aligned in Emotions: Dealing with anxiety + overwhelm...

Dear Busy Woman,

In the ever-changing world of our professional and personal lives, how we manage our emotions and inner landscapes play a pivotal role in navigating these waters for success.

This directly impacts not only our inner peace and wellbeing, but also how we show up as leaders in every aspect of our lives.

In today's newsletter, we'll tackle the challenge of dealing with your emotions.

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I was reflecting on my days in investment banking and thought of one of my very first bosses. Despite the constant market fluctuations, tight deadlines and demanding pace, there was always this ‘zen’ like disposition about him.

It wasn't that the chaos didn't reach him; he simply handled it differently. His approach taught me an invaluable lesson: our response to emotions starts from within.

Instead of blaming your clients, the environment or yourself, isn’t it empowering to know that there is something you can be in control of in that space?

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our responses lies our growth and freedom.”

Victor E. Frankl

Without mastering this space,

  • Perhaps you find yourself with huge goals, yet you’re constantly stuck in a cycle of self doubt, leading to procrastination

  • Or maybe you’re always taking on way more than you can handle. You say yes and immediately regret that decision. You blame yourself for doing so. The cycle continues. You feel tired. You are consistently walking the fine line of burnout

Many struggle with this emotional overwhelm, feeling exhausted, triggered by the smallest things, or stuck in inaction.

📝 Let’s Do This Together

It begins with awareness. Emotions as information. Here’s a simple practice to help you begin:

Step 1: Name - How am I feeling?

Take a few deep breaths and really arrive, being present wherever you are. Notice how your body feels. Place a hand on your heart if it helps you feel safe.

Use the Feelings Wheel (below) to help identify your state.

*Note: If this may be triggering, please ensure you look after yourself and seek professional support where needed.

Feeling Wheel by Dr. Gloria Willcox

Step 2: Self-reflection

  • Where is this feeling coming from?

  • What do I need right now?

  • What’s true in my heart?

Step 3: Take action on insight

TRUST yourself. LISTEN to your body. There is so much wisdom within you.

Write down one little actionable step or affirmation you can take forward to honor this introspective journey.

I’m so curious what comes up for you - feel free to hit reply and let me know!

📣 Ready to Dive Deeper?

When you are ready to focus on your inner game, I invite you to join my 1:1 coaching program.

Together, we'll delve deep into ‘whole person’ practices to 'sit with' ambiguity, understand and regulate your emotions, and build the future you for your 20/30 vision.

Get Unstuck. Break Free. Live Well.

With heart,
Jaslyn + #teambusywoman

P.S. Join us at our upcoming community gathering 🇸🇬 in May: Journaling + Emotions. Let's come together to deepen your relationship with self and find your like-minded tribe who's seeking a safe, supportive space for self-awareness, self-expression & wellbeing .