The #1 thing we hear from busy women...

you're not alone

Dear Busy Woman,

“Women are doing SO many things for so many OTHER people, yet still feel like they are NOT doing enough.”

I’d like to share something with you because I truly feel so many of you reading this are experiencing the exact same thing.

We place our worth on doing more, achieving more, packing our schedules… afraid to pause. Because who are we beneath these titles?

What if it all stops?

🙋🏻‍♀️ I know this because I’ve spoken to hundreds of busy women across Asia who feel the same way. Being a former investment banker, I’ve been there myself too.

Leaving a “job identity” and starting something from scratch challenged me to question everything, to discover ways to better handle self-doubts & unknowns.

Not saying that we completely forgo our dreams, external successes and relationships…

Though what if, I told you that you are NEVER going to feel enough, if you do not feel enough from within?

The next question that follows is: How then, do you feel enough?

💛 The secret to feeling enough lies in building a healthy relationship with yourself.

“You’re inherently worthy.”

I learned that in addition to breaking free from my beliefs, I needed a system for self-reflection, practical life skills + healthy habits - to build a safe home within.

👉🏽 We show this to you in our brand new step-by-step free checklist to break free and create the future you, with work/love/life you desire.

Discover your self awareness practice and daily routine to feel inherently worthy and craft a life of fulfilment. It isn't just about doing more; it's about being more, authentically.

☀️ I believe everyone CAN have this - to feel at peace with self and wake up feeling excited about life. It’s not that life is perfect, though you’ve built a safe base within to better deal with life’s uncertainties.

It’s why I created The Busy Woman Project - a sanctuary for women to embrace and honor themselves, reclaim their truth and step into their next decade with conviction and authenticity.

And you do not have to do this alone.

Get Unstuck. Break Free. Live Well.

With heart,
Jaslyn + #teambusywoman

P.S. We’re enrolling for our 1:1 Witness Container in May.

I will hold massive space for you to gain self awareness, self assuredness and peace with self - to become the most joyful, grounded and empowered person you know. To live your truth with conviction & alignment. To become a better leader in your work/life.